CBT&A or log book is very thorough and 30 tasks have to be completed before they can climb the graduate licensing scheme to P1s. The Vehicle on Road Test is a good source if a learner driver wants to assess their abilities in everyday traffic while still maintaining law and safety. Both the VORT and CBT&A have their pros and their cons; it really comes down to personal choice.

Vehicle On Road Test (VORT)

The Vehicle on Road Test (VORT) is a single testing process designed to assess the ability to drive on the road with other road users. That goal is to successfully show that a person can drive confidently and competently or the road negotiating traffic and displaying five different slow speed manoeuvres (U-Turn, 3 Point Turn, 90 Degree Angle Park, Reverse Parallel Park and Move off from the Kerb). The test time varies according to variables like traffic, it should take somewhere between 30-45 minutes.

To successfully pass a VORT, the candidate must gain a score of 90% or above and adhere to all road laws. Any breach of the road law will result in an immediate fail. Once successful, a Certificate of Competency will be issued and can be taken into a Service SA Centre with your 75 hours of logged time (including 15 hours of night driving). The Vehicle on Road Test can be undertaken before a driver has been on their Learner's Permit for one year and before they have completed your 75 logged hours but would not be able to receive a Provisional Licence until these have occurred. The Vehicle on Road Test is quite achievable but would suit someone who has a number of hours of experience and confident to undertake a test environment in varied traffic.

VORT is on average a more time efficient option. VORT allows driver trainers, supervisory drivers and the learner to negotiate the learning goals and tailor lessons to a learner driver’s needs. This option assists learner drivers in utilising their time and being mindful of financial restraints all while maximising the available professional driving session.

Competency Based Training & Assessment (CBT&A)

For many people the Competency Based Training provides a support that some feel does not come with the VORT. There is not a sense of pass or fail rather the tasks can be attempted at one's own pace. There is still a need to complete 75 hours and be on your Learner's Permit for a year. The major difference is that through the Competency Based Training a learner must complete 30 tasks, including review tasks.

The tasks are:

Basic driving procedures

Slow speed manoeuvres

Basic road skills

Traffic management skills

Task reviews

The final task that is undertaken is designed to assess driving confidence and competence. If the learner driver is able to display this to a satisfactory level, a Certificate of Competency will be issued.

Which one is better?

There is no one answer. Both have their merits. VORT to some people is a quicker option as requirements like a country drive do not need to be met in the VORT but are required to complete the CBT&A. With VORT when the learner driver is ready to progress, a driving school can arrange a test. CBT&A allows a driver to work through your "Driver's Companion" at their own pace; each task gets marked off as it’s completed. To be competent all 30 tasks need to be completed. It is a choice that a learner driver will need to make based on their on circumstances. While a learner driver can can change their mind at any stage, it may incur more training; time and money.


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